Virtual Library

We are pleased to offer several options for e-content – eBooks, eAudio, newspapers, movies, shows, and more! – which you can download and enjoy on e-readers, mobile devices, or your home computer. One of those devices, internet access, and a Burlington Public Library card are all you need to get started! Need help navigating one of the apps? Click on 'View Tutorials' on the right side of this page for step by step instructions.

Access to some of the following resources may be restricted to residents of Burlington, West Burlington, Middletown, and rural Des Moines County residents and will be designated in their descriptions with an asterisk (*).

More online resources for local history and genealogy 

How to access The New York Times and Wall Street Journal with your library card

Find eBooks and Audiobooks



Use the Bridges site or Libby app* to check out ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and videos.



Use the Hoopla app* to check out ebooks, movies, TV shows, music, and more.


Use the Freading app to check out ebooks immediately, without any waiting list.

Stream Movies and Music



Use the Kanopy app to stream movies on your mobile device, computer, or smart TV.


Use the Freegal app to stream music, music videos, and audiobooks on your mobile device or computer.

Newspapers, Obituaries, & More


The Hawk Eye-01.png

Browse today's or past issues of The Hawk Eye all the way back to 1995.

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Use NewspaperARCHIVE to read and search historic Iowa newspapers, including the The Hawk Eye.

The New York Times.png

Click to learn how to get free access to the New York Times with your Burlington Public Library card.

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Click to learn how to get free access to the Wall Stree Journal with your Burlington Public Library card.

NewsBank Logo

Use Access World News to read and search Iowa, U.S. and international newspapers including The Hawk Eye

Heritage Hub Logo

Use Heritage Hub to read and search obituaries in Iowa and the U.S.

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Use Value Line to find investment information and research.

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Use A to Z Food America to find recipes and food information.


Live job coaching, resume builders, veteran benefits navigators, and much more

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Find grant funding for your organization