Burlington Public Library Book Clubs


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The magic of books is that they allow you to travel when you have to stay where you are. Join the Beyond the Book Club to explore new places, people, and culture. This group reads a selected book each month and meets on the 3rd Thursday at noon. Click here to see a list of past reads. No registration required.


Next Meeting: April 17th @ Noon

Next Book: TBD



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Love connecting the dots and figuring out a good whodunit? From cozy mysteries to action-packed thrillers, there's something for mystery lovers of all kinds to enjoy with this book club. This group reads a selected book each month and meets on the last Tuesday of the month at noon. No registration required.


Next Meeting: April 29th @ Noon

Next Book: The Brass Verdict by Michael Connelly



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Explore flavors, food, and make new friends in the library's newest book club. Each gathering will focus around a spice, and participants are encouraged to read a book that is in some way connected to the geography or culture of the spice. We'll gather to learn about the spice as well as sample it in foods and drinks. No registration required.


Next Meeting: April 26th @ 10 AM

Next Spice: Lavender - Lavender is native to the Mediterranian though now thrives in Sourthern Europe and the United States, though it is well known for thriving in France. Choose a book related to one of those geographic areas or to the spice itself, and come prepared to share your read and taste test some delicious treats. Click here to sign up to receive a list of selected book options for this month's meeting.