Library Board and Policies

In accordance with Iowa Code 392 and the Burlington, Iowa Code of Ordinances chapter 21, the Burlington Public Library Board of Trustees is the governing and policy-setting body of the Burlington Public Library. The Board of Trustees is composed of seven volunteer residents of Burlington, Iowa, appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. Trustees serve six-year terms, and meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 4:30 PM (unless otherwise stated). 


FY24 Board Members


Becky Godfrey, Chair (term expires 2026)

Don Schmidgall, Vice Chair (term expires 2025)

Roger Hatteberg (term expires 2028)

Mary Weinand (term expires 2029)

Brandon Orth (term expires 2029)

Jennifer McMillan (term expires 2030)

Amanda Mansheim (term expires 2030)

Brittany Jacobs, Library Director 



The agenda is posted no less than 24 hours before the board meeting and is available to download. Past agendas are available by request.


Meeting Minutes

The most recently approved minutes are available to download. Past minutes are available by request.


Library Policies